Specialist in Angiology and Vascular Surgery
Degree in Medicine University of La Laguna Santa Cruz de Tenerife 1999-2005.
Experiencia profesional:
Assistant Doctor of Angiology and Vascular Surgery at the University Hospital of the Canary Islands April 2013- To date.
Assistant Doctor of Angiology and Vascular Surgery at the Hospital La Fe, Valencia Nov 2012- January 2013.
Assistant Doctor of Angiology and Vascular Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz Madrid June 2012 October 2012.
Intern Resident Doctor in Angiology and Vascular Surgery. University Hospital La Paz Madrid May 2007 – May 2012
Experience abroad:
- Observership in Angiology and Vascular Surgery of the Langone Medical Center. NYU. New York. 31 Oct-10 Dec 2011.
- Clinical rotation at the departments of Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Traumatology. Reddich Hospital. Birmingham. United Kingdom February – June 2005.
- Basic certification for the Chapter on Non-Invasive Vascular Diagnosis (CDVNI), SEACV (Barcelona 2010).
- Course for Management of Medical Radio-Diagnosis Installations. Laín Entralgo Agency and CSN (Madrid 2009).
- Doctorate Courses. Faculty of Medicine. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 2007-2008
Teaching activity:
- Vascular Traumas. Nursing Care of Patient with Vascular Pathology. Laín Entralgo, Madrid 2009
Membership at scientific societies:
- Medical Association of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. March 2013- To date.
- Medical Association of Valencia from Nov 2012- January 2013. (Member No. 46/3806075)
- Medical Association of Madrid (ICOMEM) from May 2007- October 2012. (Member No. 28/3806075). .
- Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SEACV) since June 2008.
- European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS) since June 2011.
- Madrid Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery since February 2011.
- International Society of Vascular Surgery (ISVS) since November 2011.
Attendance at Congresses:
- 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th and 58th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.
- Veith Symposium. New York. November 2011.
- 34 Charing Cross Symposium. April 2012.
Attendance at courses:
- Venous Thromboembolic Disease. Seville 2007.
- Course on Radiological Protection. HULP. 2007
- Updating in Arterial Ischaemia of MMII. Sabadell. 2008.
- 21st National Practice-Multidisciplinary Course on VASCULAR-NERVOUS MICROSURGERY and its clinical applications. HULP. 2009.
- New techniques in the treatment of Critical Ischaemia. Madrid 2009.
- Course for Management of Medical Radio-Diagnosis Installations (2009), Laín Entralgo Agency and CSN, Madrid 2009.
- WET- LAB Innovation. La Coruña. 2010.
- Course on Basic Radiological Protection II. HULP. 2010.
- Updating in non-invasive vascular diagnosis. Barcelona. November 2010.
- I Course on Vascular Medicine. SEACV. Madrid 2011.
- Course OSIRIX on-line. SEACV. 2011.
- 9th Course on Endovascular surgery in animal models. University of León. León June 2011.
- Workshop Aortic Debranching. Society Centre of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Oct 2011.
- 10th International Course on Updating in endovascular techniques. Barcelona, March 2012.
Publication in scientific magazines:
- Riera del Moral L, Ibrahim Z, Ayuela S, F.Heredero A, Riera de Cubas L. Utility of the intra-operation echo-doppler in the treatment of visceral aneurysms.Cir.Esp.2012 Feb;90(2):136-138
- L. Saez, D. Fernández-Caballero, Z. Ibrahim, A. Álvarez-Luque, I. Acitores, L. Riera de Cubas. Persistent Sciatic Artery Associated with Arteriovenous Malformation of Low Extremity in a Young Woman, A Case report. Eur J Vas Endovasc Surg 2009 November;38(5):656
Poster Type:
- Z. Ibrahim-Achi, S. Fernández-Alonso, L. Riera-De Cubas. Intravascular Leiomyomatosis cardiac co affectation. About a case. 54th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Barcelona 2008.
- Z. Ibrahim-Achi, L. Riera-del Moral, A. Fernández-Heredero, L. Riera-De Cubas. Pseudoaneursym of asymptomatic Jejunal artery. 56th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Madrid 2010.
- Z. Ibrahim-Achi, L. Riera-del Moral, A. Fernández-Heredero, L. Riera-De Cubas. Critical ischaemia of upper limb in patient with CREST Syndrome. 57th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Valladolid 2011.
- Z.Ibrahim, A.F.Heredero, A.Salazar, L.Cuervo, J.Alvarez, L.Riera de Cubas. ENDOVASCULAR TREATMENT FOR MYCOTIC POPLITEAL ANEURYSM. Veith Symposium. New York.2011
- Z.Ibrahim, I.Leblic, S.Stefanov, C.Mendieta, A.Salazar, A.F.Heredero, L.Riera De Cubas. IMPACT CAUSED BY THE CREATION OF A MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM ON THE VASCULAR ACCESS CREATION FOR HAEMODIALYSIS. 34 Charing Cross Symposium. London April 2012.
- Concepción Rodríguez, N.; Gutiérrez Nistal, M.; Ibrahim Achi, Z.; Mendieta Azcona, C.; Riera Del Moral, L.; Riera De Cubas, L. PERIPHERAL VASCULAR COMPLICATION OF BEHÇET SYNDROME. 58 National Congress of SEACV. June 2012.
Oral communications:
- Z. Ibrahim-Achi, S. Fernández-Alonso, L. Riera-De Cubas. Intravascular Leiomyomatosis cardiac co affectation. About a case. 54th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Barcelona 2008.
- Z. Ibrahim-Achi, L. Riera-del Moral, A. Fernández-Heredero, L. Riera-De Cubas. Value of echographic monitoring of post-punction pseudoaneurysms treated with thrombin. 55th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Valencia. June 2009.
- Experience with OSIRIX course. 30 Anniversary of Society Centre of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Oct 2011
- Updating in the medical treatment of cerebrovascular disease. Course R5. Alcalá de Henares. March 2012
- Ibrahim Achi Z, Cuervo Vidal L Salazar Álvarez A. Álvarez García, J. Mendieta Azcona, C. Critical ischemia of upper limb after radiation in young woman. Book on Clinical Cases for Angiology and Vascular Surgery Residents 2010. Editorial Luzan 5. ISBN 978-84-7989-569-3.
- Ibrahim Achi Z, Cuervo Vidal L, Stefanov Kiuri S, Fernández Alonso SI, Gutiérrez Nistal M. Pseudoaneuryism of post-traumatic Thoracic Aorta. Book on Clinical Cases for Angiology and Vascular Surgery Residents 2009. Editorial Luzan 5. ISBN 978-84-7989-569-3.
- Ibrahim Achi Z, Cuervo Vidal L, Stefanov Kiuri S, Fernández Alonso SI, Fernández Heredero A. Spontaneous breakage of non aneurismatic femoral artery. Book on Clinical Cases for Angiology and Vascular Surgery Residents 2008. Editorial Luzan 5. ISBN 978-84-7989-569-3.
- Ibrahim Achi Z, Riera del Moral LF, Stefanov Kiuri S, Fernández Alonso SI, Fernández Heredero A. Acute ischaemia of right lower limb after percutaneous treatment of interauricular communication. Book on Clinical Cases for Angiology and Vascular Surgery Residents 2007. Editorial Luzan 5. ISBN 978-84-7989-508-2.
- Stefanov Kiuri S, Fernández Alonso SI, Fernández Caballero D, Ibrahim Achi Z, Riera del Moral LF. Functional impotence and pain in right low extremity of sub-acute nature. Book on Clinical Cases for Angiology and Vascular Surgery Residents 2008. Editorial Luzan 5. ISBN 978-84-7989-569-3.
- Fernández Caballero D, Stefanov Kiuri S, Fernández Alonso SI, Ibrahim Achi Z, Leblic Ramírez I. Pursatile mass in a five year old child. Book on Clinical Cases for Angiology and Vascular Surgery Residents 2008. Editorial Luzan 5. ISBN 978-84-7989-569-3.
- Stefanov Kiuri S, Fernández Alonso SI, Fernández Caballero D, Ibrahim Achi Z. Critical ischaemia of lower limbs in an uncommon cause. Book on Clinical Cases for Angiology and Vascular Surgery Residents 2007. Editorial Luzan 5. ISBN 978-84-7989-508-2.