Radiology Specialist
Degree in Medicine, June 2005, University of La Laguna, with qualification: excellent.
Diploma in Advanced Studies of the Doctorate Programme: “Basic Biomedical Research”, University of La Laguna, qualification: excellent. Residency in Radiodiagnosis, “Hospital Universitario de Canarias”, from May 2006 to May 2010. “Director of X-Ray Installations for Medical Diagnosis purposes”, approved by the Superior Council for Nuclear Safety, 2006.
Diploma for level II on Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultra Sound Imaging,, SESEGO Ultra Sound Scan Section of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics), 2009.
Member of scientific societies:
- Member of the European Society of Radiology (ESR).
- Member of the Spanish Society of Radiology (ESR).
Training internships in Radiodiagnosis Services at Centres of renowned prestige:
- “Hospital Infantil Niño Jesús”, Madrid, Spain, Paediatric Radiology Paediatric Radiology Area of the AFIP (“Armed Forces Institute of Pathology”), Washington DC.
- “Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón”, Madrid, Spain, Neonatal Radiology.
- “Hopital Universitario La Fe”, Valencia, Spain, Skeletal-Muscle Radiology.
Author of posters and communications (more than 20) for international, national and regional congresses, and also international and national publications (5).
Areas of interest:
- Skeletal-Muscle Radiology
- Paediatric Radiology
- Extraordinary End of Career Award in the Qualification of Degree in Medicine, academic year 2004-2005, University of La Laguna.
- Award “Dr. Tomas Cerviá Cabrera”, for the best academic record 2005, Royal Academy of Medicine of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
- Scholarship “Fundación Española de Radiología-AFIP” 2009.
- Assistant Doctor of the Radiodiagnosis Service of the University Hospital Complex of the Canary Islands since May 2010, belonging to the Skeletal-Muscle Radiology Section and Paediatric Radiology since May 2012.
- Tutor for Radiodiagnosis Resident Doctors of the CHUC since May 2012.