Rheumatology specialist
Degree in Medicine and Surgery by the University of La Laguna in the year 1986. Specialist in Rheumatology with MIR training at the University Hospital of La Princesa in Madrid.
Doctor in Medicine by the Autonomous University of Madrid. Post-doctorate Fellow of the Department of Vascular Biology of the Scripps Institute in San Diego, California. Head Professor for Medicine at the University of La Laguna since the year 2011.
He has been specialist doctor of the Rheumatology Service of the Hospital de la Princesa in Madrid. At present he is Associate Doctor at the Rheumatology Service of the University Hospital of the Canary Islands.
He combines his health care work with pre-graduate teaching and leads an independent research group which studies physiopathology of rheumatoid arthritis and implication of the adhesion molecules in inflammatory response.