Specialist in Anesthesiology
Degree in Medicine and Surgery by the University of Salamanca in 1989, obtaining University Degree with Excellent grade in 1990. At present he is Head of the Anaesthesiology ad Pain Unit Service of Quirón Hospital.
He later carried out his training via M.I.R. in the speciality of Anaesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Therapeutics at the Hospital Ntra. Sra. del Pino (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria).
He attends Doctorate Courses at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He has attended Pain training at the Hospital Puerta de Hierro in Madrid for 4 months, with a scholarship from the Directorate General for Canary Island Universities. He also has Master in Regional Anaesthesia by the Hospital San Rafael of Milan.
Apart from having worked at other private centres in Gran Canaria, he has been working at the Hospital Universitario de Canarias (HUC) from 1997, until October 2001, occupying his place obtained from competitive examination since 1999. During his period at the HUC, he formed part of the transplants and organs extraction team, he took part in the development of the Reanimation Unit and of the Post Operation Acute Pain Unit.
At present he is on extended unpaid leave, post in abeyance, as statutory personnel of the Canary Health Service, with his place entailed with the Hospital Universitario de Canarias (Tenerife).
At the end of 2001, his entailment with Quirón Hospital started, to develop and promote the project of the new surgery area opened in March 2002), and occupying the position of Head of Service since 2003.
Dr. Santos Yglesias is specialist in Pain Treatment, and he formed the Chronical Pain Unit of the hospital since 2002. In recent years, he has been pioneer in introducing ultrasound scans for Pain Treatment and Regional Anaesthesia techniques, giving courses to other professionals on the islands and in the Spanish mainland about the use of this technique as alternative to the classical treatments.
He is member of the Scientific Societies of his Speciality (SEDAR, ESRA, SED, and SOCADOL).