Radiology Specialist
Degree in Medicine in June 2007, University of La Laguna, Qualification 2.19.
Diploma for advanced studies at the University of La Laguna. Department of Anatomy, Histology and Pathological Anatomy. Qualification (B: (9.3). Degree in Medical Specialist in Radiodiagnosis through residence internship system (specialised health training) at the University Hospital of the Canary Islands (HUC) (Tenerife). Assistant Doctor for Radiodiagnosis at the University Hospital of the Canary Islands (HUC) (Tenerife) from May 2012 to date, Skeletal-Muscle Radiology Department. Member of the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM). Member of the Spanish Society of Skeletal-Muscle Radiology (SERME). Member of the European Society of Skeletal-Muscle Radiology (ESSR).
Internships in Radiodiagnosis Services at Centres of renowned prestige:
- “Hospital Infantil Niño Jesús ”, Madrid, Paediatric Magnetic Resonance Unit. September 2010.
- ““Hospital Infantil La Fe, Valencia, Neonatal and Paediatric Radiology Unit. October-November 2010.
- “Hospital Universitario Dr. Negrín in Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Skeletal-Muscle Radiology Unit. April and December 2010.
- Hospital of Cabueñes, Gijón, Asturias, Skeletal-Muscle Radiology Unit. January 2011.
- “ Hospital Universitario Dr Negrín in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria”. Neuro-Radiology Unit. November 2011 and February 2012.
International Communications and Posters:
Presentation of TEP protocol and Clinical Case (pulmonary hypoplasia) at the 2nd International meeting of services with teaching-residence internship in radiology 2008 together with the other residents-interns, tutors and head of the Radiodiagnosis service of the HUC.
National Communications or Posters:
- “Radiological diagnosis of cerebral vascular malformations. 30th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) La Coruña, May 2010).
- Role of Medical Radiology in Epilepsy. 38th Meeting of the Spanish Society of Neuro-Radiology Cordoba, 1, 2 3 October 2009.
- Axillary Ultra Sound Scan and PAAF in pre-operation assessment of patients diagnosed with breast cancer. National Congress of the SERAM La Coruña, May 2010. Poster type communication.
- Correlation of mammographic and histological findings in vacuum assisted biopsy in non-palpable breast lesions. National Congress of the SERAM La Coruña, May 2010. Poster type communication.
- Analysis of correlation between radiological, cytological and histological findings in the scan-guided PAAF of suspicious breast lesions. National Congress of the SERAM La Coruña, May 2010. Poster type communication.
- Oral communication: Treatment with radio-frequency in kidney tumours. 2nd Meeting of Resident Interns on advances and new Technologies in Medicine and Surgery. Authors: J. A. Hernández Ponce, JL Conchuela, G Nieves Perdomo, S Acosta González, Beatriz Sánchez de Lorenzo Cáceres, Saúl González Rodríguez, J. F Rodríguez Sánchez. Held at the HUC on 20/10/2011.
- Gastro-intestinal stromal tumours: What the radiologist should know. Poster type communication. 11th Congress of the Spanish Society of Abdomen Imaging Diagnosis. Ibiza 6-7 October 2011.
- Adrenal pathology. Radiological characteristics. Poster type communication. 11th Congress of the Spanish Society of Abdomen Imaging Diagnosis. Ibiza 6-7 October 2011. etc..
Regional oral communications:
- Intestinal obstruction in adult patient from an intussusception. May 2009. Regional Congress of the Canary Society of Gastroenterology. Official Medical Association of Tenerife.
- Seminar on Thorax Radiology. Congress of Resident-Interns of the Canary Islands. 22 and 23 February 2010.
- AAcute abdomen, Hollow Viscera. 5th University Master in Emergencies Medicine; Radiological handling in critical and emergency patients. 11 and 12/06/2012. 15th Class anniversary. HUC.
Research Activity:
- Diploma obtained in advanced studies in advanced Biomedical Research. Department of Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy and Histology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of La Laguna.
- Treatment of kidney tumours by radio-frequency. Radio-Diagnosis Service of the University Hospital of the Canary Islands. Abdominal Radiology Magazine. Official magazine of the SEDIA. Volume 9 N2 2011 ISSN 1698-1049. Radio-Diagnosis Service of the University Hospital of the Canary Islands. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Abdominal radiology magazine (Official magazine of the SEDIA) Volume 9 N 2 2011ISSN 1698-1049.
- Gastro-intestinal stromal tumours. What the radiologist should know. Radio-Diagnosis Service of the University Hospital of the Canary Islands. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Abdominal radiology magazine (Official magazine of the SEDIA) Volume 9 N 2 2011ISSN 1698-1049.
- Intussusception Pathology. Characteristics in the different imaging diagnosis techniques. Radio-Diagnosis Service of the University Hospital of the Canary Islands. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Abdominal radiology magazine (Official magazine of the SEDIA). Volume 9 N 2 2011ISSN 1698-1049.
- Course on Basic and Instrumental Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation and mobilisation of the injured. 15 classroom hours.
- “Course on Emergencies Radiology”, COMTF, 7-9 May 2008.
- Basic Radiological Protection: 26 May 2008. 9 classroom hours.
- 10th Basic Course on Emergencies for MIR (medical internal residents): 27-29 May 2008. 16.5 classroom hours.
- Medical images of the 21st Century: Principles, present and future. 23-27 June 2008. 7.5 classroom hours.
- Control of stress and teamwork: 16-19 May 2008. 16 classroom hours. First course on principles of Radiology for first and second year Residents: Madrid 24 and 25 October 2008.
- 3rd Transnational Scientific Meeting in Macaronesia: The new Health Communication and Information Technologies: 28.5 active hours from 18 to 20 June 2008.
- Training meetings on evaluation of Health Technology, learning critical reading of articles, search, systematic reviews and economic evaluation of Health Technology: 4 September – 7
- November 2008 (40 classroom hours).
- 2nd International Meeting on services with teaching-residence in radiology 2008.
- ““1st Meeting of Radiodiagnosis resident doctors. Radiological oncology. Malaga, 4-5 June 2009. 15 credits/hour.
- Virtual course on Cardio.Images of the Inter-American College of Radiology. 27 April – 27 May 2009.
- Radiological protection for specialities in 2nd and 3rd year Residents. University Hospital of the Canary Islands. 13 July 2009. 2 classroom hours. etc..